I'm asked all the time... "What's the difference between PROskore and Klout?"
Up until now, my reply has involved some long winded answer about how we quantify and measures different things... or how our score is used for different purposes, blah, blah, blah... In reality the answer is less nuanced and much more straight-forward than I ever realized. It's...
Let me explain...
Up until now, my reply has involved some long winded answer about how we quantify and measures different things... or how our score is used for different purposes, blah, blah, blah... In reality the answer is less nuanced and much more straight-forward than I ever realized. It's...
Let me explain...
Klout measures the ability for someone to drive consumer behavior. Klout uses (and sells) your score to advertisers who have an interest in your ability to help generate word of mouth. In this sense, Justin Bieber by virtue of having a huge social media following and an apparent ability for his messages to go viral, has become Klout's poster boy as the ultimate 'pitchman'. They've admitted as much.
PROskore measures your overall worth as a professional. Our interest lies in helping you as an individual do more business, find jobs, etc. We do this by taking into account a more complete picture of you as a professional that goes beyond social media influence.This includes your popularity as a professional as well as your professional experiences (i.e. education, work experience, etc.). In this sense, Barack Obama, by virtue of having the capacity to motivate people on a professional level (i.e. vote, organize, etc), combined with his professional work and educational experience (Harvard, Columbia), make him the ultimate 'pro'.
So in other words, a 17 year old heart throb is the standard by which you are being measured on Klout. Whereas, the leader of the free world is the standard by which you are being measured on PROskore.
Tale of the Tape:
PROskore measures your overall worth as a professional. Our interest lies in helping you as an individual do more business, find jobs, etc. We do this by taking into account a more complete picture of you as a professional that goes beyond social media influence.This includes your popularity as a professional as well as your professional experiences (i.e. education, work experience, etc.). In this sense, Barack Obama, by virtue of having the capacity to motivate people on a professional level (i.e. vote, organize, etc), combined with his professional work and educational experience (Harvard, Columbia), make him the ultimate 'pro'.
So in other words, a 17 year old heart throb is the standard by which you are being measured on Klout. Whereas, the leader of the free world is the standard by which you are being measured on PROskore.
Tale of the Tape:
Barack Obama:
Twitter Followers: 12,000,000
Facebook Fans: 25,000,000
YouTube Views: 170,000,000
LinkedIn Connections: 500+
Google+ Followers: 330,000
Highest Degree Earned: Juris Doctorate in Law (Harvard University)
Earned Extra Points For... Taking out Bin Laden
Klout Score: 90
PROskore = 99
Justin Bieber:
Twitter Followers: 17,000,000
Facebook Fans: 39,700,000
YouTube Views: 377,000,000
LinkedIn Connections: 38
Google+ Followers: None
Highest Degree Earned: Sophomore in High School (home schooled)
Earned Extra Points For... Taking out Selena Gomez
Klout Score: 100
PROskore = 78
Thanks for your service PROskore.. just posted new Press Release: College Students Use New Healthier Way To Boost Energy, Focus and Alertness http://www.proskore.com/pressrelease.cfm?PRID=78111