As we continue to grow, our ability to dissect and make sense of data for practical purposes continues to evolve. Case in point, we now have over 4,000 business organizations loaded into the PROskore platform, each displaying every member of the network who claims to be a member of each organization. Not only that but, we're now able to rank all of the members in each of those 4,000+ organizations based on their PROskore.
This has real world implications for how people network with other members in these organizations. For example, a member of BNI (Business Networking International - the world's largest business networking referral organization), has the ability to quickly see who the top ranked BNI members are in his/her city, state or country by simply searching 'BNI' on PROskore. The same can be said for countless other types of business organization such a chambers of commerce, leads organizations, and non-profits.
In addition to improving the efficiency of networking within these organizations, PROskore can also show you how you rank among the other members.
If you haven't already added your affiliations (organizations), make sure you do. The more ways people can find you, the better! Login and see how you measure up.
Up Next: Scoring and Ranking Alumni of every college in the world.
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